Monday, July 21, 2008

470 ARRPG News Letter For 07.20.08 /Ham Radio Today

Hello all and welcome to this weeks news letter July 20th, 2008
Hope that everyone is doing well, and enjoying the wonderful
weather that we are having.. I have got a few good articles and
information to pass along this week so hope you enjoy....
The Truth About Amateur Radio ....No This Is
Very Interesting But During His Talk Notice His
Shack Also ... Makes You Wonder  .......Just Click Each
Link Below...
We Thanks To Larry For The Links, Take The Time If You
Can To Check The Other Video's .....
I wanted to remind everyone of our test session coming up the
2nd Saturday of August 2008 at the Sevier County Rescue Squad
on Dolly Parton Parkway, will will have a portable set on the 145.470
repeater if anyone needs directions or just e mail me  and let
me know your coming.. Test begins at 10:00 and doors open at
9:00am. Please bring a copy of your license if upgrading and a ID
the cost is 14.00 and we will have coffee and donuts for all..We are looking for more VE's
so if your interested and would like to join the W5YI group please contact me for a
Get up to date real time weather and info about the
470 Amateur Radio Rat Pack Group,Click Below...
Some Nets To Remember ,Bookmark If You Wish..
I would like to invite everyone to stop by and check into
the SCERS net every Monday at 7:30 pm,
on the 146.940 repeater system,  right after the
METERS net at 7:00pm on Mondays..If you are interested in
joining Sevier County Emergency Radio Service please e mail
me or contact Kim, KG4RAQ.. We are looking for new members
that are interested in helping our communities...again for more
details check out the website or contact any of the members..
470 Amateur Radio Rat Pack Group Net, Every Tuesday at 7:00pm
on the 145.470 Repeater System, NCS this week will be N4JTQ.
Hope that you will be able to join us.. I have applied for a 1x1 call for
November of this year to celebrate our 1st year of being a net, I will
let you all know more when I recieve more information, and we will
be asking those with HF to help participate in the special event in
November between the 1st and the 15th if you would like..Those who might be
interseted please contact me so I have a idea how many will take part.
Ladies don't forget the only East Tn Ladies Round Table Net on Monday
& Thursday at 8:00 pm on the 145.470 repeater...
For more net announcements and events stop by on the 470 Net evry Tuesday..
This is from Rickey Baxley,Thanks
Puppy Size

This is one of the neatest stories you will ever hear. You will know precisely what this little girl is talking about at the end (you'll want to share this one with your loved ones and special friends)!
'Danielle keeps repeating it over and over again. We've been back to this animal shelter at least five times. It has been weeks now since we started all of this,' the mother told the volunteer.
'What is it she keeps asking for?' the volunteer asked.
'Puppy size!' replied the mother.
'Well, we have plenty of puppies, if that's what she's looking for.'
'I know...we have seen most of them,' the mom said in frustration...
Just then Danielle came walking into the office
'Well, did you find one?' asked her mom. 'No, not this time,' Danielle said with sadness in her voice. 'Can we come back on the weekend?'
The two women looked at each other, shook their heads and laughed.
'You never know when we will get more dogs. Unfortunately, there's always a supply,' the volunteer said.
Danielle took her mother by the hand and headed to the door. 'Don't worry, I'll find one this weekend,' she said.
Over the next few days both mom and dad had long conversations with her.
They both felt she was being too particular. 'It's this weekend or we're not looking anymore,' Dad finally said in frustration.
'We don't want to hear anything more about puppy size either,' Mom added.
Sure enough, they were the first ones in the shelter on Saturday morning. By now Danielle knew her way around, so she ran right for the section that housed the smaller dogs.
Tired of the routine, mom sat in the small waiting room at the end of the first row of cages. There was an observation window so you could see the animals during times when visitors weren't permitted.
Danielle walked slowly from cage to cage, kneeling periodically to take a closer look. One by one the dogs were brought out and she held each one.
One by one she said, 'Sorry, you're not the one.'
It was the last cage on this last day in search of the perfect pup.
The volunteer opened the cage door and the child carefully picked up the dog and held it closely. This time she took a little longer.
'Mom, that's it! I found the right puppy! He's the one! I know it!' she screamed with joy. 'It's the puppy size!'
'But it's the same size as all the other puppies you held over the last few weeks,' Mom said.
'No not size... the sighs. When I held him in my arms, he sighed,' she said. 'Don't you remember? When I asked you one day what love is, you told me love depends on the sighs of your heart. The more you love, the bigger the sigh!'
The two women looked at each other for a moment. Mom didn't know whether to laugh or cry. As she stooped down to hug the child, she did a little of both.
'Mom, every time you hold me, I sigh. When you and Daddy come home from work and hug each other, you both sigh. I knew I would find the right puppy if it sighed when I held it in my arms,' she said.
Then holding the puppy up close to her face she said, 'Mom, he loves me. I heard the sighs of his heart!'
Close your eyes for a moment and think about the love that makes you sigh. I not only find it in the arms of my loved ones, but in the caress of a sunset, the kiss of the moonlight and the gentle brush of cool air on a hot day.
They are the sighs of God. Take the time to stop and listen; you will be surprised at what you hear. 'Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath! away.'

While putting up backyard antennas on the afternoon of Sunday, July 13,
Edward Thomas, KC0TIG, of Kansas City, Kansas, and his son Jacob were
electrocuted. Edward, 65, was pronounced dead at the scene. Jacob, 27,
was rushed to the hospital but died later that day. Initial reports
suggest that the antenna they were installing came in contact with 7620
V power lines. Neighbors reported a "loud popping sound" and the
electricity went out on the block.

Jacob's 7 year old daughter witnessed the tragedy and ran to the
neighbor's yard, calling for help. Byron Kirkwood and another neighbor
attempted to perform CPR on the men; the neighbor also called 911.
Robert Mullendore, a spokesman for the Kansas City Board of Public
Utilities (KCBPU), was quoted by Kansas City television station KSBH as
saying it is rare to survive a shock as strong as the two men received:
"There are people who will survive -- they're lucky by the grace of God,
it's high energy, it's dangerous, that's why it's up in the air -- you
just have to be careful. Even those who survive have pretty wicked
wounds and they are lifelong wounds." In the power business for more
than 30 years, the spokesman said these accidents are "really rare,"
saying that he only sees something like this "every two or three years.
If you're doing any kind of work like this, you just really, really need
to be aware of your surroundings."

Chuck Kraly, K0XM, used to work for KCBPU; he built and maintained the
substation that fed the circuit going to the Thomas home: "This is
nothing to take chances with. In my almost 30 years as a ham -- and 27
years in the power utility field -- I have seen way too many
'accidents.' Stop and look. If it is close or seems that way -- don't.
Find another place. High voltage lines are not forgiving. Your life
depends on it. Please follow the warnings. Anywhere close is too close."
-- Thanks to Larry Staples, W0AIB, and others who contributed to this
story Be careful everyone when working on your anteena system!! I
really don't want to have to publish a letter like this for someone in
our area......
We Where Warned Out Of Gas!! The links below make you wonder !!!
I know everyone has a theroy of the gas gas issues so here are a few more!!
This may be one that we all should be concerned about !!!
I subcribe to many newspapers over sea's to see what there story is, I started doing this
a few years ago when I was laid off for the winter, thats dangerous lol but I found that our
media is restricted in what they say.. nothing new being a former police officer, I know
the media can be asked not to present things and they don't!!  I know that this is a little off beat for me to talk about, but I wanted to ring these item to everyones attention, to consider and think about, I still believe a that a lot should not be brought upon the radio as is does
sometimes creates issues from each of our beliefs ... But if you can put it out then you should be able to take it...without geting mad !!!
 anyway I do hope that you find the gas issues informative..
Surfin On The Road At Disney
ARRL Continuing Education Online Course Registration (Jul 17, 2008) -- Registration remains open through Sunday, August 3, 2008 for these online course sessions beginning on Friday, August 15, 2008: Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Level 2 (EC-002); Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Level 3 (EC-003R2); Antenna Modeling (EC-004); HF Digital Communications (EC-005); VHF/UHF -- Life Beyond the Repeater (EC-008), and Radio Frequency Propagation (EC-011). Each online course has been developed in segments -- learning units with objectives, informative text, student activities and quizzes. Courses are interactive, and some include direct communications with a Mentor/Instructor. Students register for a particular session that may be 8, 12 or 16 weeks (depending on the course) and they may access the course at any time of day during the course period, completing lessons and activities at times convenient for their personal schedule. Mentors assist students by answering questions, reviewing assignments and activities, as well as providing helpful feedback. Interaction with mentors is conducted through e-mail; there is no appointed time the student must be present -- allowing complete flexibility for the student to work when and where it is convenient. To learn more, visit the Continuing Education course listing page or contact the Continuing Education Program Coordinator.

A reminder from last weeks News Letter on The ARRL......

E-mails Asking for Personal Information Are Not from ARRL (Jul 14, 2008) -- We have received several reports from ARRL members with e-mail accounts who have recently been contacted via e-mail asking for personal information, such as user names and passwords. Please be assured that these e-mails are fraudulent attempts at "phishing" and did not originate from ARRL. According to ARRL Information Technology Manager Don Durand, "This is a very crude attempt at phishing, using an easily determined spoof of the originating/return address. There is never a time when we would ask via mass e-mail for user names and passwords of users. There is simply no need to ever do so." If you receive an e-mail asking for personal information and it looks like it originated from ARRL, please do not respond, just delete it.

Special Events Upcoming

Jul 22-Jul 29, 1600Z-2100Z, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Island. URE --Seccion Las Palmas, AM8IL/AN8L. Lobos Island IOTA AF-004. 14.250. QSL. Antonio Candelaria Mendoza, C/. Blas Herrera, 23, Teror, LA 35330, SPAIN. We'll be operating before and after the IOTA 2008 Contest. (We'll be on the air as AN8L during the contest.) Details at

Jul 25-Jul 26, 1200Z-2000Z, Berne, IN. Adams County Amateur Radio Club, W9A. Annual "Swiss Days" in the Swiss community of Berne, Indiana. 14.280 7.280 7.120 18.140. QSL. Adams Co Amateur Radio Club, c/o 604 Sprunger St, Berne, IN 46711.

Jul 25-Jul 27, 1500Z-0300Z, Indianapolis, IN. Indianapolis Motor Speedway Amateur Radio Club, W9IMS. 15th running of the Brickyard 400. 21.340 14.240 7.240 3.840. QSL. Indianapolis Motor Speedway ARC, PO Box 18495, Indianapolis, IN 46218-0495. QSL and certificate available.

Jul 26-Jul 27, 1400Z-0600Z, Leonore, IL. Starved Rock Radio Club, W9MKS. 75th anniversary of club founding. 14.290 7.240 3.900 146.55 FM. Certificate. Starved Rock Radio Club, PO Box 198, Leonore, IL 61332.

Jul 26-Jul 27, 1400Z-1400Z, Sanborn, IA. Northwest Iowa Amateur Radio Club, W0VHQ. Celebrateing "Rail Road Days" in Sanborn, IA. 28.460 14.260 7.260 VHF Echolink Node 102345. QSL. W0VHQ, 1430 Western Ave, Sheldon, IA 51201. Operating from a vintage "DROVERs" Caboose used to house/sleep owners who accompanied thier live stock to market. Live web cam of operations from vintage Drovers Caboose! follow the link from

Jul 26-Aug 10, 0000Z-2359Z, Arctic Circle 66° 33' N Lat, AK. 2008 ARRL Alaska State Hamfest Convention, W1AW/KL7. All Band, all mode Arctic Circle W1AW/KL7 Convention Station. 14.200 7.050 3.933 50.125. QSL. W1AW, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111-1494.

Jul 28-Aug 7, 2330Z-0600Z, Hanover, PA. 3905 Century Club, N3I. 31st Anniversary. 7.178 7.233.5 3.902. QSL. J.P.Thornton, 5308 Glen Elm Dr, Peoria Heights, IL 61616-5123.

Jul 29-Aug 3, 0000Z-2359Z, Isabela, PR. Federation Radio Amateur of Puerto Rico, K4S. Guillermo M. Schwarz, KP3S Memorial Dedication. 18.145 14.230 7.178 3.880. QSL. Carlos R. Rodriguez, KP3S, RR 5 Box 73A, Isabela, PR 00662-4509.

Jul 31-Aug 3, 1400Z-2200Z, Oshkosh, WI. Fox Cities Amateur Radio Club Inc, W9ZL. Experimental Aircraft Association's Airventure - 2008. 14.270 7.250. Certificate. FCARC/Airventure, PO Box 2346, Appleton, WI 54912.

Jul 31-Aug 3, 1700Z-2300Z, Litchfield, MN. Meeker County Amateur Radio Club, K0MCR. First time Amateur Radio is on display at our fair. 14.260 7.260 7.060 3.840. Certificate. Jim Westrup, 524S Holcombe, Litchfield, MN 55355.


Well hope that everyone has enjoyed the news letter this week, hope that evryone will
join us Monday at 7:30 on the 146.940 for the SCERS net and also Tuesday for the 470 net,and Cathy says ladies see you then, mmm I have never figured out seeing on the radio LOL   Happy Birthday to those who's birthday is today and in the upcoming week....
Prayer list e mail at  we will bring up on Tuesday's Net..
Subcribe to Tim Berry's news Letter --Top Left on the Website !!
73 and God Bless
Rick & Cathy

Rick Sawaya Sr  N4JTQ &
Cathy Sawaya KI4YPO
2005 Spence Mountain Loop
Sevierville,TN 37876
Monitor 145.470 & 444.300

Donations to the 145.470 send to:
Tim Berry
214 Echodale Rd
Knoxville TN 37920

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